Monster Clone Scripts

Monster is one of the largest employment websites in the world, owned and operated by Monster Worldwide, Inc. In 2006 Monster was one of the 20 most visited websites out of 100 million worldwide, according to comScore Media Metrics (November 2006). It was created in 1999 by the merger of The Monster Board (TMB) and Online Career Center (OCC), which were two of the first and most popular career web sites on the Internet. Monster is primarily used to help those seeking work to find job openings that match their skills and location.

ScriptFolder Job Bank – Job Vacancy Script

ScriptFolder Job Bank – Job Vacancy Script

ScriptFolder|Monster,PeoplePerHour|JavaScript,PHP|Commercial|237 views

Millions of organizations are looking to recruit the most suitable heads fits in to their business and at the same time billions of people are searching for better employers and career opportunities. Here is the challenge to link best fits. ScriptFolder”Job Bank” creates yo...

scriptSer - PHP Jobs Script

scriptSer - PHP Jobs Script

scriptser|Monster,Classified AD|PHP|Commercial|773 views

scriptSer - PHP Jobs Script is a powerful PHP Jobs Resume script written in PHP on MySQL database backend that allows you to run your own jobs website. Full license with lifetime upgrades: 39.00$

Job Board Software

Job Board Software|Monster|PHP|Commercial|672 views

Job board software is a feature packed and complete PHP script to launch your Search engine Optimized jobs portal (job board site). Jobs software has a potential to generate very heavy revenues for you. Script is built with a focus on increased ease of users and profits of web...

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