Hulu Clone Scripts


Hulu is a website and over-the-top (OTT) subscription service offering ad-supported on-demand streaming video of TV shows, movies, webisodes and other new media, trailers, clips, and behind-the-scenes footage from NBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, Nickelodeon, and many other networks and studios. Hulu videos are currently offered only to users in Japan and the United States and its overseas territories. Hulu provides video in Flash Video format, including many films and shows that are available in 288p, 360p, 480p, and in some cases, 720p HD. Hulu also provides web syndication services for other websites including AOL, MSN, MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo!, and Comcast's xfinityTV.

Video Share VOD

Video Share VOD

Video Share / Video On Demand (VOD) is a free open source WordPress based solution / script for sharing on demand video. Includes a plethora of features like AJAX multi uploader, mobile video upload and playback, HTML5 / RTMP / HLS player, integration for Live Streaming chann...

Clip Bucket

Clip Bucket

Clipbucket|Hulu,Metacafe,YouTube|PHP|Open Source|1928 views

ClipBucket is an OpenSource Multimedia Management Script Provided Free to the Community.This script comes with all the bells & whistles required to start your own Video Sharing website like Youtube, Metacafe, Veoh, Hulu or any other top video distribution application in matter...

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