A Community Web App like V2EX, Using Flask framework. soucecode of website http://feather.im
A Community Web App like V2EX, Using Flask framework. soucecode of website http://feather.im
youbbs means yet another bbs or you bbs, it not been carefully considered. youBBS can be deployed on VPS or Sina/Baidu Cloud .
F2E is a community for front-end-developer.
CodeCampo is a light weight BBS for developers.
StartBBS is a simple forum based on lightweight high load MVC architecture
SAEspot is a light weight forum base on SAE.
A simple web community software based on Ruby on Rails.
PBB is a simple forum like V2EX
A Clone of V2EX (Chinese Version Only)
Node Club is a brand new community software which developed with Node.js and MongoDB. This community(forum) system is feature-rich and rapid. It is applied in the the Node.js Chinese technical community, you can also use it to build your own communities.