Rated People Clone

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Developer: zusankryClone/Category of : Project Management
License :FreeLanguage :PHP

Receive online ratings and reviews from satisfied customers to boost your company reputation. JustMail is easy to use, and Home Owners can post their projects for free. Simply post your project and JustMail will send you verified and qualified contractors within minutes . Compare Contractor by looking at their profiles, work history, reviews from previous customers, insurance information and membership to reputable associations like the Better Business Bureau and others . You will then decide who to speak to and get quotes from. After the project is completed, leave your feedback review so the next home owners can research on your experience. 1.Post Your Projects First you will need to fill out this form, describing what needs to be done. Once your Project is approved and posted on the site. 2.Get Free Quotes You contact the homeowner about their project and to sell your services. 3.Choose a Contractor Millions of homeowners search online for contractors every year. 4.Leave your Feedback Giving them more unique and specific information about your company.

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Updated : 2025-01-27 | 120 Views
Project Management

About Project Management

Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals.
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