Inout Adserver is a complete advertiser/publisher networking script, works on PHP + MySQL. Features include # Unlimited Advertisers and Publishers # User friendly control panels # Text/Banner/Catalog Ads # Mobile ads # Keyword targetting and country targetting for ads # Click bid for each keyword # System suggested click rates # Monthly/Daily budget for ads # Priority Email Support Desk # Paypal and Payment Gateways # Optional check/bank payment mode # Advanced Graphical Statistics # Create custom Ad Blocks # Adsense like ad display code # Sticky ad units # Inline ad units # Scrollable text ads # Code for Seach Engine/Content Page # XML API for publishers # Publishers can opt out ads # Ad rotation based on CTR and ageing # Ad credit text control # Optional keyword verification # Revenue booster levels for better profit # Fraud control mechanism # Optional referral system # 1 year FREE updates & FREE support # FREE installation # Tutorial # Online Demo # and more.. Inout Adserver is powerful, feature rich, fully customizable PayPerClick networking script, which brings both advertiser and publisher under a single roof. The registered advertiser can post their text/ banner/catalog PayPerClick(PPC) ads with simple steps. Publishers can create ad display units and use it in their websites to show ads relevant to their page content. You can completely control your revenue from the system by adjusting the minimum click bid value as well as the percentage of click bids that you would share with publishers. The system comes with support for load balancing across multiple servers which means you never need to worry about performance bottlenecks. Easily manageable background images and themes which helps you to create a new look. Also the system comes in 14 languages and you can add more. The site targeting enhances the reliability of your publishers and eventually your adserver. The data backup facility ensures the security of your data. The new customizable front end let you to make the script your own.