Kickstarter Clone Scripts - Page 2


Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others.

Angel Nest

Angel Nest

Fred Wu|AngelList,Kickstarter|Ruby|Open Source|2176 views

Angel Nest is the code name of a project initially commissioned by a so called entrepreneur. The system itself and the business are modelled after AngelList. The goal of this project was to become one of the first ones targeted at the Chinese entrepreneurship and investment ma...

Equity Crowdfunding Software

Equity Crowdfunding Software|GoFundMe,Indiegogo,Kickstarter|PHP|Commercial|1532 views

Crowd funding is effective and handy to use business model to help people raise fund for their project, cause or campaign. Start your own crowd funding platform with your niche in affordable price.

kickstarter clone

kickstarter clone

Agriya has SF platform, which has the best features of Kickstarter Clone and Indiegogo Clone script.

Crowd Funding Site

Crowd Funding Site|GoFundMe,Indiegogo,Kickstarter|PHP|Commercial|2611 views

Crowd Funding Site script help you launch your own crowd funding website or online fundraising site in a minute.



Host your own crowdfunding site for your project. Integrates with Amazon Payments. Similar to Kickstarter, except for 1 project.

SF Platform

SF Platform

SF Platform is short for Social Funding Platform because it enables you to run a crowd funded website where people can post projects and leverage the power of the crowd to fund the project which otherwise might not see the light of day. We have called this software a platform ...

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